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Science Club

Educate Tutoring is excited to offer a brand new Science Club! This is an informal, enthusiastic academic group, designed to encourage Educate students to explore their curiosity and creative imagination.  

The Science Club is a series of workshops taking place on Thursdays between 3:30 – 4:30 pm. During these sessions, Ivan will be exploring assorted scientific topics within the fields of chemistry, physics and geology.

The workshops will involve a short lesson on theory, followed by a fun experiment conducted by Ivan with the help of some students.

Participation in the Science Club is completely free, but we do ask that you contact us to register your interest. Students are welcome to attend in person (numbers capped to comply with COVID-19 restrictions) or alternatively, over Zoom.

Holiday Program

Durante las vacaciones escolares de verano, Educate Tutoring llevará a cabo una serie de programas breves e intensivos que están diseñados para combatir los desafíos potenciales provocados por la transición a un nuevo año escolar. Estos programas ofrecen a los estudiantes la oportunidad de volver a familiarizarse con sus estudios después de las vacaciones de verano y ayudarlos a comenzar el año escolar con confianza.
