
Noah began working with Educate Tutoring in Term Four to access academic support. He has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills. The graphs below show Noah’s spelling progress.
At the time of initial assessment, Noah’s chronological age was 9 years and 9 months. His equivalent spelling age was 8 years and 2 months. After only four months of tutoring when Noah’s chronological age was 10 years and 1 month, his equivalent spelling age was 9 years and 6 months. This showed an overall increase of 16 months, showing that he had begun to close the gap. This showed an overall increase of 12 months from his initial assessment, which now showed that he was now spelling only 5 months below the expected standard for his chronological age.

Phoebe is five years old and began working with Educate Tutoring in Term One to access academic support. She has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graphs below show Phoebe’s spelling progress:
Phoebe arrived at Educate Tutoring with a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder in reading and written expression. Following her participation with a program of explicit, multisensory instruction in literacy, in both paired and individual settings, Phoebe has made tangible steps towards overcoming the challenges presented by this diagnosis. Her tutor has expressed how rewarding it is to observe Phoebe’s perseverance and active engagement with her learning.

George began working with Educate Tutoring in Term Three to access academic support. He has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graph below shows George’s reading progress:
At the time of initial assessment, George’s chronological age was 13 years. His equivalent reading age was 9 years and 7 months, approximately 3 years and 5 months below the expected level for his chronological age.
After only four months of tutoring when George’s chronological age was 13 years and 4 months, his equivalent reading age was 10 years and 3 months. This showed an overall increase of eight months, which was now 3 years and 1 month below the expected standard for his chronological age, showing that he had begun to close the gap.
After another seven months of tutoring (11 months in total) when George’s chronological age was 13 years and 11 months, his equivalent reading age was 13 years and 9 months. This showed an overall increase of 4 years and 2 months from his initial assessment, which now showed that he was reading only two months below the expected standard for his chronological age.
Initially, George showed gradual improvement as he developed spelling and decoding strategies when reading unfamiliar words.
In the following months, George’s ability to independently make connections and apply these spelling and reading skills has given him the confidence to engage with texts for personal enjoyment.
He regularly shares feedback with his tutor about books he is enjoying at home.

Joey began working with Educate Tutoring in Term One to access academic support. He has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graph below shows Joey’s spelling progress:
At the time of initial assessment, Joey’s chronological age was 10 years and 11 months. His equivalent spelling age was 9 years and 8 months, approximately 1 year and 3 months below the expected level for his chronological age.
After only twelve months of tutoring when Joey’s chronological age was 11 years and 11 months, his equivalent spelling age was 12 years and 2 months. This showed an overall increase of 2 years and 4 months, which is three months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
In addition to the results outlined above, Joey has shown significant improvement in his writing skills, including sentence and paragraph structure and the planning and composition of extended texts.
Joey’s family have expressed their deep gratitude for the impact that tutoring has had on all facets of his education.

Annie began working with Educate Tutoring in Term Four to access academic support. She has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graph below shows Annie’s spelling progress:
At the time of initial assessment, Annie’s chronological age was 12 years and 1 month. Her equivalent spelling age was 11 years – approximately 13 months below the expected level for her chronological age.
After only seven months of tutoring when Annie’s chronological age was 12 years and 8 months, her equivalent spelling age was also 12 years and 8 months. This showed an overall increase of 1 year and 8 months, which is at the expected standard for her chronological age.
Annie’s results, achieved over a relatively short period of time, indicate that her work with Educate has been beneficial in developing and improving her word encoding skills.
Annie and her family have been committed to her learning and have expressed great appreciation for the work done by Educate Tutoring.

Arthur began working with Educate Tutoring in Term One to access academic support. He has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graph below shows Arthur’s spelling progress:
At the time of initial assessment, Arthur’s chronological age was 9 years and 10 months. His equivalent spelling age was 8 years and 8 months, approximately 1 year and 2 months below the expected level for his chronological age.
After only four months of tutoring when Arthur’s chronological age was 10 years and 2 months, his equivalent spelling age was 9 years and 8 months. This showed an overall increase of 12 months, which is now only six months below the expected standard for his chronological age.
Arthur’s mother has kindly shared her appreciation of the services and programs provided by Educate Tutoring, and noted her observations of his growth in confidence as well as the application of skills learned through tutoring in his reading and writing both at home and school.

Liam began working with Educate Tutoring to access academic support as the family were concerned about a potential dyslexia diagnosis. He has been following a Spalding-based program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis, developing decoding and encoding skills and identifying and applying elements of sentence and paragraph structure both when reading and in his own writing.
The graphs below show Liam’s reading and spelling progress as measured by three different assessments.
At the time of initial assessment, Liam’s chronological age was 8 years and 11 months. His equivalent reading age was 9 years, approximately two months above the expected level for his chronological age.
After only eight months of tutoring when Liam’s chronological age was 9 years and 7 months, his equivalent reading age was 10 years and 6 months. This showed an overall increase of 18 months, which is eleven months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
As with Reading Assessments A and B, Liam’s chronological age at the time of initial assessment was 8 years and 11 months. His equivalent spelling age was 9 years and 6 months, approximately seven months above the expected level for his chronological age.
After only one month of tutoring, Liam’s chronological age was 9 years. His equivalent spelling age of 10 years showed an overall increase of six months – now twelve months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
Liam continued with his tuition program, and after another five months of tutoring (six months in total), when his chronological age was 9 years and 5 months, his equivalent spelling age was 9 years and 2 months. This showed a decrease of 10 months from his most recent assessment, which was three months below the expected standardfor his chronological age.
Following an additional six months of tuition, when Liam’s chronological age was 9 years and 11 months, his equivalent spelling age was 12 years and 2 months. This showed an increase of 3 years from his most recent assessment, now placing him at 2 years and 3 months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
Liam’s trajectory, in what quickly became an Academic Extension program, illustrates that every child’s learning experience is different and rarely linear.
Liam’s family have been very generous in their support of the work done by Educate Tutoring in enabling their son to develop his skills, knowledge and confidence in his ability to learn.
Liam’s family frequently express their gratitude and believe that this ongoing progress would not be possible without the support of Educate Tutoring.

Elijah began working with Educate Tutoring in Term Two. He has been following a Spalding-based literacy program focusing on the sound/symbol connection, word analysis and developing decoding and encoding skills.
The graphs below show Elijah’s reading progress as measured by two different assessments.
At the time of initial assessment, Elijah’s chronological age was 8 years and 1 month. His reading age was 7 years and 7 months, approximately six months below the expected level for his chronological age.
After five months of tutoring, Elijah’s chronological age was 8 years and 6 months. His reading age of 8 years and 9 months showed an overall increase of 14 months – three months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
As with Reading Assessment A, Elijah’s chronological age at the time of initial assessment was 8 years and 1 month. His reading age^ was 7 years and 4 months, approximately nine months below the expected level for his chronological age.
After seven months of tutoring, Elijah’s chronological age was 8 years and 8 months. His reading age of 8 years and 10 months showed an overall increase of 18 months – two months above the expected standard for his chronological age.
Elijah’s family frequently express their gratitude and believe that this ongoing progress would not be possible without the support of Educate Tutoring.
Please note these results were obtained through an Individual Academic Intervention Program consisting of weekly one-hour tutorials over a seven month duration. Educate Tutoring cannot guarantee results as student progress is dependent on a range of factors including but not limited to:
• Consistent tuition attendance
• Family commitment and support
• Student engagement
At Educate Tutoring, our team works to help our students achieve tangible results in their learning. As educators nurture the capacity to analyse, articulate, reflect and reason, students are encouraged to actively engage in the process of learning and enquiry.
Through grouped, paired and individual tuition, students experience a positive educational environment and develop a sense of confidence in their ability to learn.
I invite you to make contact should you wish to know more about how Educate Tutoring can work to support any learning requirements you or your child may have. I would be more than happy to give you a call, so we can chat in person.

Naomi Wright
Principal Educator