“The central difficulty for a student with dyslexia is to convert letter symbols to their correct sound (decode) and convert sounds to their correct written symbol (spell).
Dyslexia is not a problem with comprehension. Individuals with dyslexia are able to use higher level language skills to support their reading of connected text (stories) and this ability to ‘compensate’ may mask their underlying difficulties with single word reading (decoding).”
(Source: https://dyslexiaassociation.org.au/what-is-dyslexia/)
Accompanied by a persistent weakness in spelling and punctuation, dysgraphia is a specific learning disorder in which a student has difficulty expressing their thoughts and ideas in writing.
Educate Tutoring addresses these specific learning difficulties through explicit instruction in foundation language skills. An integrated approach to reading, spelling and writing strengthens these skills and further increases comprehension, particularly when instruction is delivered with high levels of frequency and intensity. For this reason, it is of upmost importance that students experiencing such difficulties are diagnosed at an early age and receive individualised support through a best-practice tutorial program.

“Dyscalculia is a term referring to a wide range of difficulties with maths, including weaknesses in understanding the meaning of numbers, and difficulty applying mathematical principles to solve problems. Studies have been done to try to identify predictors of potential mathematical disability.
The main predictors include:
● Not knowing which of two digits is larger
● Lacking effective counting strategies
● Poor fluency in identification of numbers
● Inability to add simple single-digit numbers mentally
● Limitations in working memory capacity”
(Source: https://dsf.net.au/learning-difficulties/dyscalculia/what-is-dyscalculia)
Guided by a rigorous scope and sequence, Educate Tutoring addresses dyscalculia through an interactive simulations program. Students struggling with mathematics due to dyscalculia are seen to often excel in their learning progression due to the graphic, structured, interactive and organised nature of the program.